Advanced features
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One of the advantages of using our Launchpad is that we have many advanced features that blue chip projects offer. You can include them in your smart contract by toggling on these features. As these features are advanced features, you will need to get a premium plan.
Free claim allows holders of another ERC-721 collection to mint your NFTs for free. Zen Academy pioneered this concept by allowing 333 pass holder to be able to claim 3 ZenChest tokens. This feature is useful when you already have a collection and want to give free tokens to your existing token holders for your next collections.
To enable this feature, you will need to provide:
Free claim NFT contract address: The contract address of the NFT collection eligible for free claim (ERC-721 only)
Number of NFTs to mint per claim: How many NFTs can holders mint per claim. For example, if this is set to 3, 3 NFTs can be minted per each free claim.
Smart contract tracks if the certain token ID already claimed the tokens or not. Therefore, if the tokens are already claimed, it cannot be claimed again.
Once you enabled this feature, the following functionalities will be added in your smart contract:
Free claim: Allows caller address to claim a new token if the address owns a token in specified contract
Set free claim state: Enable/disable free claim feature
Burn to mint features allows holders to a given NFT collection to mint your NFTs in exchange for burning an NFT from the specified collection.
The NFT collection specified can either be an ERC-721/ERC-721A contract, or an ERC-1155 contract, in which case a specific token id eligible for the burn to mint function must be specified.
To enable this feature, you will need to provide:
Burn to mint contract address: The contract address of the NFT eligible for burning to mint.
Contract address type: The standard type of contract for the contract you set for burn.
Token ID eligible for burning: (Required only with ERC-1155): The token id of the NFT in the ERC-1155 collection eligible for burning.
Please note that in order for the burn to mint function to work, users must first complete a setApprovalForAll function authorizing your NFT smart contract to transfer NFTs from the collection to be burned.
Please note that we offer only smart contract functionality for these features, therefore you will need to build frontend features by yourselves.
Soulbinding feature allows NFTs to be non-transferrable. Soulbound tokens are used for certificates, diploma, identity, resume, anything that can be associated with the wallet owner. One of the examples of Soulbound tokens are what our team did for credentials to record the activities and scores on our Q&A platform,
We offer two types of soulbinding functionality:
All: All NFTs are soulbound by default
Optional: Users can optionally choose to soulbind their own NFTs.
So you can select your desired functionality after enabling this feature.
Soulbinding a token will make it permanently non-transferable, except optionally by a designated admin address that can help transfer NFTs from wallets that are lost or stolen. Therefore, you are required to set Soulbinding admin address.
As many people who are new to Web3 don't feel comfortable with setting up a wallet and buying an NFT from wallet, we added credit card payment feature to make it easier for them to get access to NFTs. As this feature is currently on beta, you might experience some issues. Therefore, if you are going to use this feature, please make sure to thoroughly test on your end before launching your collection.
There are a couple of limitations in using this feature:
Only available for public mint, not presale mint as we require a user's wallet address for presale mint
Only available for mint page where you can build on Launchpad. You can't use this feature for embedded mint button.
Only available on Ethereum and Polygon
You will need to create an account and collection on crossmint and go through KYC process with them as we use them for the credit card payment service provider.
In order to enable credit card payment, you will need to enable feature before deployment and set up a collection on crossmint after deployment. To learn more details on how you can set it up, check out this guide.
Staking feature allows holders to stake their NFTs. Our staking implementation is similar to Moonbirds' nesting, and does not require the user to transfer their NFT to another address in order to stake it.
Once you enabled this feature, the following functionalities will be added in your smart contract:
Stake/unstake tokens: Allows users to stake/unstake tokens
Set staking state: Enable/disable staking feature
Admin unstake: Allows admin (owner of the contract) to unstake a token
Total token stake time: Get a total time of how long a certain token is staked
Current token stake time: Get current time of how long a certain token is stake
Loaning feature allows holder to loan their NFTs to other users. Meta Angels pioneered this concept by allowing their holders to loan their NFTs to others so that people who can't afford their NFTs can get their benefits by borrowing the NFT.
While loaned NFTs will be transferred to the borrower's wallet, owners can always retrieve their NFTs at any time, and loaned NFTs cannot be sold or transferred.
Once you enabled this feature, the following functionalities will be added in your smart contract:
Loan: Allows owner of a token to other address
Retrieve loan: Allows owner of a token to retrieve a loaned token
Admin Retrieve loan: Allows contract owners to retrieve a loan
Total Loaned: Get a number of total number of loaned tokens
Loaned Balance of: Get the loaned balance of the address
Loaned tokens by Address: Get all the token ids owned by a given address
Random Hash Generation: Each NFT minting produces a pseudo-random SHA256 hash.
SHA256 Hash Function: A cryptographic function that outputs a unique, fixed-size 256-bit hash.
Pseudorandomness: The hashes appear random but are deterministically produced using blockchain data like block information and token ID.
Use Case for Randomness: Useful for creating fair and unpredictable outcomes, such as random rewards for NFT minters.
Example Application: Rewarding 1% of NFT minters randomly by pre-announcing that certain hash outputs will correspond to prizes.
Transparency and Fairness: The process is open and verifiable, ensuring that the reward mechanism is executed impartially.